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    Manaslu Circuit Trek Distance

    Manaslu Circuit Trek covers a total distance of around 150-177 kilometers. It passes through the landscapes of the Annapurna Conservation Area and Tibetan Plateau in various directions. The trek starts from Arughat and continues through the remote parts of the Manaslu region. Finally, you will arrive at Besisahar, where the trip ends.

    The Manaslu Circuit Trek distance also depends on the itinerary and the side trips during the journey. Moreover, the itinerary is also customizable so that you can reduce or add days to the itinerary. Therefore, the distance changes frequently.

    The Manaslu Circuit Trek duration also depends upon the pace of your walk in the region. The fast walker can complete this trek in advance. However, it is generally recommended to tour slowly and steadily to avoid altitude sickness.

    You will cover approximately 15 to 20 kilometers during each journey. Besides, you will take various rest stops, lunch breaks, and photograph breaks in the middle. Therefore, you will trek for around 6-7 hours daily.

    Many uphill and downhill terrains require proper preparation and training. The trails will remain covered at a slow and steady pace. The detailed description of the Manaslu Circuit Trek Distance is as follows:

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    Manaslu Circuit Trek Overview

    Manaslu Circuit Trek is an outstanding Himalayan adventure. The remote trails of this journey are pretty challenging. This incredible trek passes through the region’s natural terrains with diverse pathways. Moreover, the long-duration tour takes around two to three weeks to complete.

    Trekkers will have to trek for long distances during their journey on each trekking day. The Manaslu Circuit trek provides the best adventure in the remote region. While the tour is entirely on the off-the-beaten-path, you will get a tranquil and peaceful experience.

    The trails of this trek are quieter than the other mainstream treks in Everest Region and Annapurna region. These remote trails include foothills of the Himalayas, high mountain passes, green hills, serene waterfalls, and pristine rivers. The sweeping views of the snow-clad mountains of the region are a highlight of the trek.

    The trekkers can observe the beautiful mountains, including Mt. Manaslu, Ganesh Himal, Annapurna, and other peaks. This Manaslu Circuit is a challenging trek that requires strenuous walking along the trail. You should train well to tackle this terrain and prepare for the landscape.

    You must consider the trek distance you will cover. It is crucial to estimate and prepare for the walk-in in advance. This article details everything regarding Manaslu Circuit Trek Distance. You will learn more about the trek routes and the distance between each section. Read further for more information.

    Highlights of the Trip

    • Snow-clad mountain views of Mt. Manaslu, Annapurna II, Ganesh Himal, Himlung Himal, Kang Guru, Cheo Himal, etc.
    • Passing through the beautiful settlements of the local community.
    • Trekking through the serene, naturally diverse forested trails that move uphill and downhill.
    • Passing through the majestic Larkya La Pass.
    • Exploring the Tibetan-Buddhist culture and heritage of the region.
    • Staying at the local community tea houses
    • Incredible hospitality in the local teahouses

    Manaslu Circuit Trek Route and Distance

    Kathmandu to Soti Khola via Arughat.

    The Manaslu Circuit Trek starts from Soti Khola, where you arrive from Kathmandu, passing through the settlements of Arughat. We must cover a total distance of around 150 kilometers to arrive at the destination. The space gets covered in 6-7 hours of driving.

    Soti Khola to Machha Khola.

    The distance from Soti Khola to Macha Khola is 23.28 kilometers. The total trekking duration required for the trek is around 5 hours. However, the time of the tour depends upon various factors, including your pace, side trips, etc.

    Macha Khola to Jagat.

    The total distance walking from the settlements of Macha Khola to Jagat is 23 kilometers. The trekking route moves uphill and downhill to arrive at the destination. It takes around 6-7 hours to arrive at the destination.

    Jagat to Deng via Philim.

    The total distance you will cover along the trail is around 21 kilometers. There you will pass through the settlements of the region and the Manaslu Conservation Area. The trek duration is 6-7 hours through the region’s natural landmarks, including Ghatta Khola and Deng Khola.

    Deng to Namrung.

    The trekkers will cover a distance of around 19.4 kilometers from the settlement of Deng to Namrung. The trek duration is approximately 5-6 hours to arrive at Deng from Namrung. The trail of this trek takes you through some challenging pathways, moving uphill and downhill.

    Namrung to Lo-Gaon.

    The Namrung to Lo-Gaon distance is around 11 kilometers. It moves in for approximately 4 hours to complete this trek section. There are various natural landmarks that you can observe along the trail. The trail of this trek then leads you through the settlements of Budhi Gandaki river before you arrive at the territories of Lo.

    Lo-Gaon to Sama-Gaon.

    The trek’s trail passes from the Himalayan region’s various settlements to arrive at Sama Gaon. The beautiful walk starts from Lo-Goan. The trekking distance covered along the trail is around 18 kilometers. It takes only about 2-3 hours to complete this trek. Many Buddhist heritage sites, including the Pung Yen monastery, remain along the route.

    Sama-Gaun to Samdo via Manaslu Base Camp

    The distance covered in this section of the trek is around 17 kilometers. You will pass through the Manaslu Base Camp to arrive at Samdo. You will need to cross many suspension bridges before arriving at the Samdo. There are many juniper and birch trees and forested trails along the trails. The trek duration is around 4-5 hours, and you can observe Mount Manaslu and other snow-clad mountains. There is a Tibetan refugee settlement in Samdo.

    Cross Larke La Pass and trek to Bimthang

    This section of the trek is the most important. The trails of this trek have a total distance of around 20 km. The trekkers will then pass through the majestic Larkya La Pass. There are various Mani walls and prayer flags along the trail. This is also the highest elevation, with numerous challenges you can experience along the route.

    Bimthang to Tilje.

    The total distance covered in the trek from Bimthang to Tilje is 26 kilometers. The trekking routes of the walk pass through forested trails. The tour duration of the hike is around 6 hours to arrive at this village settlement in the region.

    Tilje to Syange via Jagat and Dharapani.

    The trek distance is 8 kilometers. The beautiful trail of the trek takes around 3 hours to 4 hours. The trail passes through the settlements, including Jagat and Dharapani, to arrive at Syange.

    Syange to Kathmandu and transfer to a hotel.

    The travel distance from Syange to Kathmandu is 175 kilometers. You will travel by bus or jeep. The trail passes through the Trishuli river and other landscapes of the region.

    Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty

    The Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty is quite challenging. Various rugged terrains add to the difficulty in the beautiful region. There are various natural landmarks, including the Larkya La Pass, which has an elevation of 5125 meters.

    Manaslu Circuit Trek has uphill and downhill terrains that will provide you with quite an adventure in the region. The steep and narrow ridges of the area make this trek quite challenging. Many challenging factors along the trail include duration, elevation, weather conditions, extreme temperature, etc.

    Moreover, the Manaslu Circuit Trek distance is a significantly tricky factor. You can customize the trip by various means to ensure you tackle this problem along the trail. The beautiful route takes you around 6-7 hours of the trek. The course is challenging for travelers, especially beginner travelers. Hence, the distance and trekking duration is quite a significant factor.

    Guide/Porter for the Manaslu Circuit Trek

    Guide Porter for the Manaslu Circuit Trek

    Manaslu Circuit Trek is a restricted area trekking in the region. Hence, you will need to get various requirements for the trek. One of the most important aspects of the walk is hiring professional guides and porters.

    The remote trail along the journey provides you with the best trekking journey. Various challenging courses require the help of a guide. These solo trails are pretty mysterious. Therefore, there is a high chance that you might get lost along those trails.

    Hence, you should get these guides to help you pass through the challenging terrains. Various restricted trekking areas require professional guides and porters to traverse along the trail.

    Hence, the Nepal Government requires you to travel with a professional guide. You must also travel in a group consisting of two or more trekkers. Numerous guides will work to help you and your safety along the trail.

    The trekking guide will work immensely for your safety. They will help you to navigate along the challenging trails. There are measures through which you will get to travel a long-duration trek with ease. You will also get a good companion who will motivate you along the rail. They keep you in spirits while trekking through these Himalayan foothill trails.

    Moreover, you can also hire a porter along the trail. The porters will help you carry various luggage along the route. This trek takes you on a constant uphill and downhill journey that is quite challenging while carrying a heavy backpack. Hence, a porter for this trip is essential for a safe and comfortable journey.

    Major Attractions of Manaslu Circuit Trek

    Majestic Himalayan vista

    The Manaslu Circuit trek also provides sweeping views of the snow-clad mountains. The beautiful walk provides you with an incredibly challenging trail. However, you can observe spectacular views of the snow-clad mountains along the route. The majestic views of the Annapurna region, Ganesh Himal, and Manaslu Himal along the trail are enchanting.

    The Larkya La Pass

    The Larkya La pass is a challenging majestic mountain pass you will pass along the trail. There is an elevation of 5200 meters, the highest altitude point along the path. The Larkya La Pass remains covered in snow throughout the year.

    However, the stunning mountains, including Mt. Manaslu, are enchanting from Larkya La pass. The mountain pass is quite challenging to cross due to much ice and snow along the trail. The trekkers must also pass through taxing terrains and windy terrains to arrive at their destination.

    To complete the trail, the trekkers must start trekking around 3 am. The pathways lead you to the beautiful terrains of the area. The ideal time to cross the beautiful landscapes is in the peak seasons of Autumn and Spring. The Larkya La pass gets tricky in the monsoon due to the slippery trails with wet conditions.

    Due to excessive precipitation, the path becomes more dangerous. The Larkya La Pass during winter has excessive snowfall. It remains covered in thick inches of snow. The weather and climatic conditions are also volatile. Thus, the Manaslu Circuit trek is arduous during the off-season.

    Tranquil off-the-beaten terrains

    The tranquil off-the-beaten terrains are another highlight of this trek. There are various serene landscapes in the region with the Manaslu Circuit. Many hikes in the country, including Everest Base camp Trek, Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, etc. However, these trails are pretty crowded as these mainstream trails welcome hundreds of trekkers, especially in the peak seasons.

    The beautiful high suspension bridges are another highlight of this trek. This trekking journey has many beautiful serene rivers that you pass through suspension bridges. Traversing through these stunning bridges is an exciting journey. You will find this experience to be a memorable one. Hence, these off-the-beaten terrains of the Manaslu Circuit trek are ideal for the hike.

    How to Reduce the Manaslu Trek Difficulty Distance Difficulty

    There are various means to reduce the Manaslu Circuit trek difficulty in the region. These are as follows:

    Rigorous Training

    This trek is a long duration at high altitudes. Hence, the trekkers must prepare with a rigorous training regime. Physical, cardiovascular, and mental training is generally considered essential. The preparation for the trek will help you against altitude sickness also.

    Group Trekking

    Trekking in a group will reduce the difficulty of this trek significantly. This will be safer as there are fewer chances of getting lost. In emergencies, the group can come together and help each other. Trekking in a group will allow you to have a fun time together. They can interact and motivate each other. Trekking in a fun mood makes this trek quite exciting and memorable.

    Proper trekking gear and shoes

    The trekking journey in the region also gets relatively easy with proper gear and shoes. This trek also passes through uphill and downhill terrains. Hence, comfortable trekking boots, clothes, and gears become essential for the tour.

    Since you will be passing through the snowy terrains of the majestic Larkya La Pass region, you should get trekking boots with sturdy soles and make sure you break them before starting your trekking journey. This will keep you safe from blisters, cramps, and others in the region.

    Guides and Porter

    The hiring of professional guides and porters is quite essential for the trek. This incredible trek is quite challenging as it passes through some of the most challenging terrains. Hence, guides will help ensure a safe and comfortable hike. Porters will help you with luggage along the trail. Trekking without heavy luggage reduces the Manaslu circuit Trek difficulty quite significantly.

    Final Say

    The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a challenging trekking journey. However, with adequate preparation and training, you can easily complete this trek. The Manaslu Circuit Trek distance is a factor along these trails. The beautiful trail provides you with the best views and an incredible adventure.

    You will observe the beautiful snow-clad mountains, including Mount Manaslu and others along the route. The Manaslu Circuit Trek journey begins with a scenic drive to the Soti Khola via Arughat. There are various challenging terrains that you will pass through the rugged landscapes to arrive at your destination.

    The trail of this trek then leads you through the region’s attractive settlements to complete this incredible trek. There are various measures to reduce the difficulty due to the distance of the trek. We hope you learn about these aspects of the Manaslu Circuit trek distance through this article. Contact us for more information, and have an incredible journey!

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